Naughty Dog Releases The Last of Us Part I Deep Dive, Showcases PS5 Improvements

2022-07-24 06:21:33 By : Ms. Jingle Pan

Publisher  Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer  Naughty Dog have released a deep dive video for The Last of Us Part I that features over 10 minutes of gameplay footage.

The video showcases the improvements over the original game. The remake  runs at native 4K resolution at a targeted 30 FPS or a dynamic 4K resolution at a targeted 60 FPS.

The Last of Us Part I also makes use the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller features such as haptic feedback and trigger effects, as well as supporting 3D audio. It also has over 60 accessibility options, which is more than what was available in even The Last of Us Part  II.

Read details on The Last of Us Part I via the PlayStation Blog below:

While the Last of Us Part I can render Native 4K at targeted 30 FPS or dynamic 4K at targeted 60 FPS*, and features PS5 mainstays like DualSense wireless controller haptics, trigger effects, and 3D audio**, it’s clear that there’s a lot more going on here than a simple resolution and framerate bump, it’s a complete overhaul.

From the art direction to the character models, the entire game has been rebuilt from the ground up to take advantage of a new generation of graphical capability, allowing this game to reach the visual fidelity that the studio aspired for when crafting this experience. The PS5’s powerful hardware drives a host of visual benefits, from denser physics with tons of bumpables and chipables (bullets can now rip apart concrete and environmental objects) and cinematics now transition seamlessly to gameplay. Motion matching technology means that character animations flow more convincingly, intuitively and realistically; all adding another layer of believability to characters and their interactions with the world. Further, AI upgrades mean that characters inhabit the world in a more authentic and realistic way, such as buddy characters navigating cover to avoid enemy NPC sightlines more authentically.

The enhancements are all in the name of increasing the game’s immersion, but the improvements don’t stop there. Naughty Dog worked with their community to integrate some fan requests, including a “permadeath” mode, a speedrun-focused mode, and a host of brand-new unlockable costumes for Joel and Ellie. The game also hosts 60-plus accessibility options, outpacing what the developer was able to offer with The Last of Us Part II, and includes a new Audio Description mode, ensuring that play is rewarding and inclusive for all.

The Last of Us Part I will launch for the PlayStation 5 on September 2 for $69.99 and will release later for PC.

A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo  was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own  YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.

i was not into this remake, now that i saw this clip its a day 1 purchase for me!

Considering the tv show is close to be released, they played smart so new fans will Be able to play this with a modern view. The only problem I see is the hefty price ($70), but even at $60 I still don’t see the price as attractive. But some people are foolish if they expect first party games from Sony (remaster/remake/new game) to be released below $60 from now on. Whilst the practice doesn’t like to a lot of users that played the PS3/PS4 versions, then again, it’s Sony and ND, they live rent free in a lot of “real gamers”.

Tv show in a couple months, the fact they wanted to release on pc like they did , the fact they have a new console, it was the right choise to put some work on it and released the game improved. They would always charge the same 70 if they released just the original remaster on pc , this is good for pc aand ps5 players. People would bitch and moan too if they released the remaster only on pc. Naughty dog are the best so they generate clicks and have jealous haters, let people bitch in their own piss. To the pc and ps5 players that never played this masterpiece enjoy it , its one of the best games ever made. If you cant afford the 70 dolars wait for a sale in 2 or 3 months or less and dont be sheep listening to some fucking retard youtuber telling you not too.

As I see this discussion about Remake vs. Remaster pop up again, I think I would say a few words. I personally think the discussion about is X a remaster or a remake is quite pointless, as both terms exist on a continuum and each one draws personal lines in the sand here. The important question really is: is it worth it and worth the price asked. And that is obviously subjective. Some will pay happily $70 (or whatever) and enjoy it a lot. Some may enjoy the changes but see it worth more as $40. Some will need more substantial changes or a longer time since the last release to justify a purchase. As I haven't played TLoU and don't have a PS5 I don't take a particular stance here in this case. But I compare the situation to Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition. Whatever you call it - remaster or remake - I really enjoyed the rerelease on a newer console with updated graphics and user interface and added content. So for me, yes, it was it worth definitely. I am sure some see this new TLoU in a similar way.

Someone that will play for the first time, sure the game is on par with current releases so a full price may seem acceptable, but as a remake of such recent release for me it isn't. They could and should priced max 40 (wouldn't do probably because of PC release) or give upgrade option to people that own the PS4 version for 10 (which obviously they will pretend the remake isn't the same base game so no upgrade option).

The entire discussion can be simplified by complicating it: the whole remake/remaster/port/etc debate is no longer a binary or selective process but on a spectrum. There are so many variables to consider now that the idea of trying to definitively categorize them into Remake or Remaster category is just going to frustrate everyone since there are so many variations on how we do things now. Seriously, the whole debate needs to stop. Each game is allowed to be its own mix of factors and alterations. Not every remake or remaster or revisit is going to follow the exact same set of rules. People need to adapt to change, yet that seems to be tripping a lot of people up. It's nice to see someone speaking rationally here.

Its not really a spectrum, there’s a clear line in the sand between a remake and a remaster. A remaster takes the original game’s sources code and adapts it to produce enhancements on newer hardware. A remake does not use the original code and is essentially a new game developed from scratch. That’s why the PS4 version is a remaster and the PS5 version is a remake. They fit those defined terms. The spectrum would apply to whether you view something as a remaster or a port. Like could the PS4 version be considered a port of the PS3 game? That can be more subjective. But for remakes it just a straight it is or it isn’t. The gripe with TLOU is more whether it warranted a remake. It is one of the first, if not the first, PS360 era game to be remade (as opposed to remastered) and also has a remastered last-gen version that plays on PS5. Personally, I can see why people say the remake was unnecessary.

Its not really a debate as to whether its a remake or a remaster, there’s a clear line in the sand to mark a difference between the two. A remaster takes the original game’s sources code and adapts it to produce enhancements on newer hardware. A remake does not use the original code and is essentially a new game developed from scratch. That’s why the PS4 version is a remaster and the PS5 version is a remake. They fit those defined terms. The spectrum would apply to whether you view something as a remaster or a port. Like could the PS4 version be considered a port of the PS3 game? That can be more subjective. But for remakes it just a straight it is or it isn’t.

As a software developer I think your notion is very problematic. Let's start with the code actually. If we talk code of the game, it usually means the game engine, the assets usually aren't called code. But the thing is: code is evolving a lot. The same game engine one year later can be changed a lot. On the other hand it still contains parts from years ago, as these work and are used unchanged. Even if a new engine is started, usually programmers salvage code bits from earlier projects to reuse in the new one. We usually don't see much of commercial code, but we can look into open source projects. If we take a look at a file in the open source game engine Godot: This contains parts that are unchanged for 9 years, while other parts were changed days ago - and everything in between. And this is only one file of hundreds in the project. So everything using the same engine is a remaster, even a decade later? What about the other way around? The Final Fantasy Pixel remasters sure as hell couldn't use the old NES/SNES-code for PC and mobile. so are they actually pixel remakes? The thing also is, code is not much influencing the result for the gamer. Assets are. Especially in 3D games assets can be retoched and can get added details. Is this remastering or remaking them? Given your definition the new TLOU should count as a remaster. As it uses code from TLOU2, which used code from TLOU. But is that fair? I don't think so. TL;DR: The code base of software exists on a continuum. There is no single point at which it is "new" software.

Even the latest infinity ward engine in 2022 still has code snippets from Quake 3 that released in 1999, 23 years prior. Bethesda does the same... The latest variant of the Creation Engine is based on the Gamebryo Engine which in turn is based on the Net Immerse engine that powered Morrowind. No one discards an entire engine and starts completely from scratch, it's a waste of time and effort... Engines over time have gotten extremely modular, so it just makes sense to rewrite the parts that needs to be rewritten. As for remake vs remaster... I tend to think a Remake is an overhaul which updates the actual assets, tweaks gameplay, everything. A remaster is just the original title running with enhancements... Same game but just at a higher resolution, maybe higher PC-equivalent settings and that's about it. Honestly... If they took the original game and just bolted Ray Traced lighting on top improved the AF and AA and locked it at 4k+60fps. - I would have been happy with that.

It doesn't work like that in fixed terms. Several engines are basically just addition of previous engine in baby steps and a lot of games recycle assets as well. The PS4 remaster certainly needed a lot of new code because of the different architecture as well. But yes on layman term we can go from remaster being upgrade on res/fixtures mostly, remake being modernizing and improving in several areas, reboot/reimagination ground up restart and change of what was originally offered. Some games certainly can be perceived as sitting in between.

Improvements to graphics (obviously), performance, sound design, controller inputs, AI, accessibility, weapon upgrades, game modes, everything but the core shooting/melee/platforming, essentially. I would have liked to see Part 2's excellent melee system implemented, but other than that it seems substantial.

Yeah, disappointing that a few more things didn't come over from TloU2, but the upgrades here are significant nonetheless. The added accessibility options alone will allow more ppl to play this , which I think is great.

AI is a big portion of the core gameplay. Sure it won't change how the shooting mechanic work but it will certainly change how you approach combat.

Fucking naughty dog, i expected more from gameplay, i expected jetpacks, chainsaws and flying unicorns.

If this was a joke it was rather off the mark.

It was too big for your airport.

Did you need drawing, signal post, triple warning to notice it was a sarcastic joke?

Sarcastic or not, a bad joke is still a bad joke.

This wasn't a bad joke. But you needing to ask if was a joke really show you didn't get it so sure you would think it is bad.

Actually I think it is rather on the mark. They are mocking the "leaks" that showed no gameplay increase.

Damn it. I came in here to make a comment like this.

The game was greatly improved. Other than the price, which I won't be paying for (wait for a sale), I have absolutely no reasons to complain about. Good Job ND!

GoW I was able to buy for 250 the PS4 version pre-order so I can then buy the upgrade for 50. Perhaps TLOU will see good pre-order discount, if not the remaster/remakes in Brazil have usually drop price quite fast so besides buying second hand there is some options when waiting for like 6 months or more (and since it isn't a new game I don't have any rush to play it).

So as expected the leaker wasn't being on point.

I had already intended on buying this Day 1, and after this video it still hasn't changed my mind.

I also think people need to remember that a TLOU TV show will be airing soon. If that show does well people will go out and buy the game and you want people to get the best experience possible so they go play #2 as well right after. This is what happened when The Witcher did so well on Netflix the game sales increased by a large margin.

And sure there is also the possibility of it even bringing more people to watch the show as well. Synergy is a good stuff. I think Uncharted have benefited from it.

I'm not a big fan of remakes on the whole, and this game has been remade twice now, kind of. And you know I absolutely love ND, but.. Yeah.. Holy crap, it's almost 10 years of the remaster already! And hey, there's always people who have never played it before and whatnot. Everyone can judge for themselves whether this is worth their money or not.

It was remastered once. A performance patch for PS5 isn’t a remake nor a remaster.

Not trying to start anything here (seriously.) as it seems this remake is a very controversial and touchy subject to many out there but on a serious and genuine note, how many of you in the VGChartz community feel as though this remake hasn't done "enough" to warrant an essentially full price point launch? I'm just curious as I have heard many complaints about this remake over the last few months. -VIDEOGAME CASH GRAB? NINJA APPROVED-

For me it would never have done enough to warranty a full price. I have played it on PS4 and PS3, so it is quite recent and in good quality over there that any price over 40 was excessive for me. But since they are going to release on PC as well and they always go full price there since it will be the first time on the platform guess they would never sell lower on the console.

To me it's not really a matter of price, as I more see the remake as unwarranted rather than inadequate in any way. The remaster can already be played on a PS5 and doesn't really feel dated, and it's not like ND revolutionized the gameplay so much with the sequel that bringing those changes back would truly elevate the first game. Regardless of being made from scratch this remake will be more the equivelant of a mid-gen console upgrad: an improvement for sure, but in essence the same thing and most worth it to the people that didn't have the original. And that's not because ND got lazy or anything, it's just because it's too early for this remake in the first place (imo).

If I’m being fair, I was surprised to see the $70 price tag. But then I tried to buy the $100 special edition. I own this game on PS3 and PS4, and I’ll gladly be playing it again day one with the PS5 remake. I respect people’s opinion and frustration and disinterest with this remake, but many people are acting so angry as though this remake is causing some material harm to them. Some people just like to have something to whine and be angry about. The thing that annoys me probably most is that, in the relatively short time I’ve been (casually ) following Nintendo, I’ve seen them do multiple cash-grabby things. But they seem to be immune to angry pushback and vitriol for some reason. And those cash-grab products of course went on to sell millions. I do feel there’s a double standard.

Very fair points. I don't think the game was nedded or the price is correct, but I do understand the reasons and on my end I'll just wait for it to drop to a point I want to pay like 10-20.

Your right about nintendo but I do feel they get some push back and they are fairly known as being rather greedy. I think the overall noise made when they do these things isn't as loud though. Most likely because xboxsony fans escalate things in a way they don't really do with Nintendo.

Why do I care about the price point when prices go down? If this was a Nintendo game I may be bothered but it isn't. So this games price will sink fast.

I'll be honest it doesn't really matter to me. I don't see $70 as that much money honestly and because it's coming to PC now which is where I want the game I 100% am glad this happened. Don't get me wrong though there was a time in my life where I had to trade in my current games just to get a new releases so I understand others who think this is crazy. My suggestion is to just wait for a price drop or a used copy at gamestop. Or if you don't think it's worth that much then just keep whatever copy you have an enjoy that.

Naughty dog always delivers high caliber games and I buy most of their products day one! But the 70$ price for a "remake" that isn't really a true "remake" is just not warranted a purchase if that makes sense haha! If factions was included I'd buy the whole damn thing no problem! But as it stands I think 70 is way too much.

$70 for what looks like a remaster is too much considering the ps4 version still looks stunning. I'd pre order it if it was $50 but I will get it in a few months when it's on sale

The Last of Us Part I

The Last of Us Part I

The Last of Us Part I

The Last of Us: Part II

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